Today is the 14 August 2025 now 78 years have passed since Pakistan emerged on the map of this world. Today all Pakistanis are celebrating their 78 Birthday on the completion of 78 Years. So due to this mega event and celebration, all citizens of Pakistan and overseas are celebrating this day with their families. Also online read Pakistan 78th Independence Day Quotes in Urdu and English.
Pakistan has not gained this separate country easily, The Islamic Republic of Pakistan was gotten after so many sacrifices of our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and also children. Pakistan 78th Independence Day Quotes are available here to read for free. Download these 78 Years Pakistan quotes, wishes, and DPs for WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and so more.
Pakistan 78th Independence Day Quotes in Urdu and English Download
اس وقت قوم کو ایک ملک کی ضرورت تھی
آج اس ملک کو ایک قوم کی ضرورت ہے
May our country be bestowed with the blessing of peace and blessing.
Dil Bhi Pakistani Jan bhi Pakistani
Pakistan 78th Independence Day
Let this 78 Independence Day be the most special one,
To all Pakistani and let us all take efforts to do so,
Pakistan 78th Independence Day Quotes in Urdu and English
Let us take the decision to value our nation,
Won’t forget those sacrifices,
who gave us freedom.
Pakistan 78th Independence Day Download
If you are not ready to die for it,
put the word freedom, out of our vocabulary,
Let us take the decision to give worth and value to our nation,
Don’t forget those sacrifices who gave us this country freedom,
Now it is our turn to have a reformation,
Long Live Pakistan
Pakistan 78th Independence Day Quotes in Urdu and English Download
یہاں جو پھول کھلے وہ کھلا رہے صدیوں
یہاں خزاں کو بھی گزرنے کی بھی اجازت نہ ہوں
رگوں میں ہئے، جنوں میں ہے
وطن کا عشق خون میں ہے

Zeshan Akram, a professional blogger since 2013, specializes in educational content. With a Master’s degree from AIOU, he is a trusted source for Pakistani education insights on