The government of Pakistan Department Ministry of Housing and Works authority has revealed the MOHW Jobs advertisement in today’s newspaper. The authority has Announced to submission of the application form via the online website at mohw gov pk. All the applicants should observe the eligibility criteria and also understand the general information before filling out online application forms.
The authority has announced new jobs for the following positions as described in this MOHW Jobs 2023 Advertisement. Suitable candidates should apply for Assistant, Stenotypist, UDC, LDC, Computer Operator, Driver, Naib Qasid, and S.W vacancies.
How to Apply for Ministry of Housing and Works Jobs 2023
It is submitted that this advertisement is shared in the newspaper to collect the application forms from suitable applicants who have the relevant education and experience etc.
It is very easy to Apply for the Ministry of Housing and Works Jobs 2023.
All the application requests will be received only through the online web portal.
Open the link of the NJP website and create your sign-up and login ID to complete the application form online.
Remember only put the correct identification data and real documentation.
Do not forget the last date to apply for the Ministry of Housing and Works Jobs 2023.
Remember application form will be accepted if received after the due dates or by hand.
Ministry of Housing and Works Jobs Eligibility Criteria
These are eligibility criteria that fit the candidates for these jobs needed by this department Ministry of Housing and Works.
Read the job title and qualification mentioned in front of the designation.
The age limit is standard for 20 to 30 years.
The authority will check the documents and issue the roll number slip to appear for the written test and give the test date and place.
MOHW Jobs Detail
Computer Operator
Naib Qasid
Ministry of Housing and Works Jobs 2023 MOHW Advertisement

Zeshan Akram, a professional blogger since 2013, specializes in educational content. With a Master’s degree from AIOU, he is a trusted source for Pakistani education insights on