Surah Akhlas is a surah of the Holy Quran. It is 112 surah that comes in Para no 30. It was revealed in Makkah so it is called Maki Surah. This content is created about Surah Ikhlas Translation in Urdu, Surah Ikhlas benefits, and Wazifa, the meaning of Surah Akhlas download Surah in audio voice and PDF format. This is much reading, it is read in every prayer because of easily reciting and remembering it.
The Holy Book “Quran Kareem” has a total of 114 surahs few were revealed in Makkah and few were revealed in Madina. So let us start to learn to recite the Surah Ikhlas Translation in Urdu and English.
Surah Ikhlas Translation in Urdu
کہو کہ وہ اللہ ایک ہے
اللہ بے نیاز ہے
نہ اسکی کوئی اولاد یے اور نہ وہ کسی کی اولاد
اور نہیں ہے اسکا کوئی ہمسر
Surah Ikhlas Translation in Arabic
قل ھو اللہ احد
اللہ الصمد
لم یلد ولم یولد
ولم یاکن لہ کفوا احد
Surah Ikhlas Translation in English
Say he is Allah the one.
Allah the eternally besought of all.
He begetteth not nor was begotten.
And there is none comparable unto him.
Surah Ikhlas
Holy Quran Total Surah 114
Total Manzil 7
Para No 30
Ayat 4
Maki Surah
Benefits of Surah Ikhlas
This surah describes the oneness of Allah. In childhood as a beginner, Surah Ikhlas is learned by every child. In this surah, we accept the oneness of Allah. Say he is Allah the one. Allah is the eternally besought of all. He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto him.
Surah Ikhlas Wazifa
Complete Holy Quran has great benefits for us. We have a complete code of life and the best way to live a happy and prosperous life. Here we discuss Surah Ikhlas Wazifa.
The Holy Quran is the best way to achieve our goals and success in life.
If you start reciting this surah so Allah will shower his unlimited blessings, wealth, and happiness in your life.
Start to recite the surah for love marriage. Surah Ikhlas Translation in Urdu online is available here to read for free. Download Surah Ikhlas to listen to the invoice.

Zeshan Akram, a professional blogger since 2013, specializes in educational content. With a Master’s degree from AIOU, he is a trusted source for Pakistani education insights on