Shab-e-Qadir is the night of blessings and it is coming in the month of Ramadan Mubarak which is sacred and pious due to its qualities and peculiarities. In this Holy month of Ramzan Quran Pak revelation is coming and in this month of Ramadan sacred angels will come to the earth to know and see the people who are busy in the recitation of Quran Pak and prayers, as well as Shab-e-Qadar Nawafil, also note that which people are sleeping and according to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) the people who are in the state of insomnia.
they are excluded from the great blessings of Laylatul Qadir and the folk who are awakening obtain the blessings of Thy Lord which are omnipresent and omnipotent as well as gracious and merciful to all human beings. Shab-e-Qadar Nawafil The 27 Ramzan ki ibadat in Urdu complete article is shared for Muslims.
Shab-e-Qadar Nawafil or Lailatul Qadr History
The month of Ramadan is divided into three parts which are full of ALLAH Almighty’s blessings and mercies for mankind or humanity. The First Ashra is called the “RAHMAT” and it has consisted of 10 days the Second Ashra is known as “Maghfirat” and the third is “Bakhshish”. In the third Ashra of Ramzan, a great night is coming which is full of thousand times of worship, and this night is given the name of Lailatul Qadr. Read the images with Urdu content for Shab-e-Qadar Nawafil.
Shab-e-Qadar Nawafil & Prayers Method
In Ramadan Mubarak, Nawafil should be performed abundantly on the odd nights because they have great Laylatul Qadir Importance or significance. The Nawafils and their methodology are given below for Shab-e-Qadar Nawafil how to say offer:
- After Isha’s prayer, 07 times surat Lailatul Qadr must be read.
Importance: Starvation from any kind of catastrophe and one thousand angels for this man in Eden.
- Two Rakat Namaz: Surat Qadir one time after Alhumdulilah and three times surat Ikhlas in every Rakat read.
Importance: The reward obtained from Lailatul Qadar is that one city is given in Heaven which is two long from East to West to the man.
- Two Rakat Namaz: Seven times Lailatul Qadar and seven times surat ikhlas after Alhamdulilah in every Rakat and after salam read “Astagfar” and “Darood Sharif”.
Importance: ALLAH Almighty will pardon the parents of this man who read it.
- Four Rakat Namaz: three times surat Qadir and seven times surat Ikhlas read after Alhamdulilah in every Rakat.
Hazrat Salman Farsi said one time,
Hazrat Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him said that which person on the day of Friday will be pious himself and will go out from his house towards the mosque to say prayers and be silent in the mosque all the time in Juma prayers then all his sins and vices from the next Juma Tul Mubarak ALLAH Almighty will have perished away like namaz which pure the human’s soul and paved the cooling sight to the eyes and heart according to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Shab-e-Qadar Nawafil of Lailatul Qadr/ 27 Ramzan ki Ibadat:
When Ramzan ul Mubarak came and the Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said,
“This month came on you in which a graceful night which is better than thousands month of worship and which person is devoid of it and he will be excluded from any type of well-being and from the Saadit or significance of it is that the only wrecked or unfortunate folk exclude”.
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith,
“O, lovely friends! According to the Quran Pak, approximately one thousands month of worship is equal to (83 years and four months) and we are the followers of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), it is God’s grace that ALLAH Almighty will give us to gain a lot of Commodities or facilities in the limited time of this month and we should gain advantages from this God’s great night and received pardon or forgiveness of our evils or vices or sins from God and maybe this is our last Ramadan Kareem.”

Zeshan Akram, a professional blogger since 2013, specializes in educational content. With a Master’s degree from AIOU, he is a trusted source for Pakistani education insights on