Thursday , February 20 2025

Federal Govt Employees Salary Increase 2023 TSP also Approved

Islamabad: Breaking News for the employees of the Government of Federal has issued and raised the salary of all employees of the Government of Federal. Federal Minister for Defense Khawaja Muhamamd Asif has recommended Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif. The decision was taken for Federal Govt Employees Salary Increase 2023 at the time of the meeting to discuss the Economic and Political careers of Pakistan country.

Prime Minister Pakistan Imran Khan has approved and accepted the recommendation of Khawaja M. Asif. On the other hand, after increasing the salary all employees of the Federal Government rejoiced and distributed sweets among the servant and their parents, etc.

Government Salary Increase Federal Employees

Federal Govt Employees Salary Increase BPS 1 to 16

On the other hand, if we talk about the salary of Govt of Punjab so it is to inform you that the Punjab Government has not increased the salary of the Punjab Govt. On spreading the news of the Federal government employee’s Salary Increase BPS 1 to 16 Punjab Government employees have also expected that the Punjab Government should also approve to increase in the salary of Punjab Government employees same as the Federal.

See this news that Federal Govt Employees Salary Increased by PM Pakistan Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif in 2023. On the other hand, Punjab Government employees also demand to increase the salary of Punjab employees. In order to fulfill this Punjab employees of the Government have started to protest in Islamabad to fulfill their demands.

The Federal Cabinet Committee held under the kind observations of Prime Minister Pakistan Imran Khan. Now, this is to see that until the Punjab Government increases the salary of Punjab Govt Employees so the protest can be finished.

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Islamabad: Punjab Govt Employees have blocked the traffic and broken the gate of the Secretariat, the Police force has started an operation to stop and control this situation. Federal Govt Employees Salary Increased from BPS 1 to BPs 16. Remember that Punjab Government did not increase the salary of Punjab government employees in the budget of 2023.

There should be the same law for all Government of Pakistan servants. If the federal government increases the salary so Punjab Government should also increase the salary. But we see this is not legal law there must be some law for the citizens of Pakistan.

Federal Govt Employees Salary Increase by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif

Federal Govt Employees Salary Increased by Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif. Khawaja Asif has briefly described Prime Minister Pakistan Shahbaz Shareef to increasing the salary of the Federal Government. Federal Govt Employees’ Salary Increased by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif.