Govt of Pakistan has applied to pay the tax on every citizen as per rules and criteria set up by the Government. As per the policy of Govt the rich people and those people who get a salary up to Rs. 50 thousand are liable to pay the Income Tax. Here I will share the Income Tax Calculator Pakistan 2024. On this online web check the link of the latest updated Income Tax Calculator of Salary and FBR Income Tax will be applicable as per Budget 2024 announced this year.
For Example: Let us have an example if an employee has Rs. 40, 000/- salary in a month so what is the tax you have to pay on this amount? As shown in the result on the image attached check the graff, monthly, and annual results of Income Tax Salary. It is accepted that where the annual salary income does not exceed Rs 6,00,000 annually so then the Income Tax Rate will be zero.
How to use the Income Tax Calculator Pakistan 2024
What are the tax criteria and salary limit about which you have to pay the Income Tax? Just read this content and salary criteria This is the link to Income Tax Calculator Pakistan to calculate the Salary tax. Click the link provided here simply provide Your Income choose the next monthly or Annual, then click on Calculate and see your required result.
Salary included Tax: Rs 40, 000
Tax Deduction 0
Salary After Tax: Rs 40, 000
Today is easy to check the tax by the Income Tax Calculator Pakistan the link is here to check the income tax on every amount. If the salary increase from Rs. 12 Lac but does not increase the amount of Rs. 24 Lac annually the rate of Income Tax will be 7 %. Check further updates at this portal
Income Tax Calculator Pakistan 2024 Policy of Government
It is the responsibility of every citizen to pay the Income Tax according to which category they fall. Govt increase and decrease the tax applies to the Public. As per Govt policy if the taxable salary doesn’t increase the amount Rs. 6 Lac annually the ratio of tax will be zero. If the salary income increases by the amount of Rs. 6 Lac but remains down from Rs. 12 Lac the rate of Income Tax will be Rs.100. Income Tax Calculator Pakistan the below link will provide you with the easiest way to check your income tax.

Zeshan Akram, a professional blogger since 2013, specializes in educational content. With a Master’s degree from AIOU, he is a trusted source for Pakistani education insights on